This report contains data on poor condition bridges within the searched area. State and Local bridges must have been selected as search criteria.
Descriptions of column calculations are listed below:
· Structurally Deficient:Calculated by counting the number of bridges in the searched area that are deemed structurally deficient for each Bridge Owner type.
· Structurally Deficient Deck Area: Calculated by summing he deck area for all bridges in the searched area for each Bridge Owner type.
· Non-Structurally Deficient:Calculated by counting the number of bridges that are in the searched area (for each Bridge Owner type) and that are not deemed structurally deficient.
· Non-Structurally Deficient Deck Area: Calculated by summing the deck area of the bridges that are in the searched area (for each Bridge Owner type) and that are not deemed structurally deficient.
· Total (bottom of Bridge Owner column): This line at the bottom of the report sums each column for all Bridge Owner types.